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The Untamed – Otome Adult Romance Visual Novel Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

The Untamed - Otome Adult Romance Visual Novel Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

Los Angeles-based AMATERAS Inc., is looking for your support on Kickstarter for their latest visual novel, The Untamed.

This adult visual novel is composed of various high-quality illustrations, rich sounds, and superb display of the plot. The developer’s goal is to raise funds for high quality translation, royalty license, and other development and production costs. 

This Visual Novel is currently very popular among international gamers and animation fans and with your support, AMATERAS is eager to launch this amazing game world wide.

They are planning to translate and release the game in English version and possibly in other languages as well.

You can download the Demo right now if you’d like to give The Untamed a try.

Related: Bluemoonpark: The Most Precious Wings Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

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