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Thymesia Review for PlayStation 5

Thymesia, by developer OverBorder Studio and publisher Team17,  is a challenging action role-playing game featuring frantic combat and a complex disease weapon system. Play as a mysterious individual known only by the code name “Corvus” in a kingdom where death is spreading. Take advantage of your adversaries, control sickness, and uncover the truth in your memories.

I, as a fan of the gothic-horror vibe, loved this game. The setting of saving the kingdom of Hermes, which was once thriving due to its advancements in alchemy but that practice came at a catastrophic cost swallowing the kingdom in chaos. The realm is now crawling with hellish beasts infecting the kingdom with deadly diseases, killing almost all and the few who survived had locked themselves in. The setting made me excited and was perfect to give me a good adrenaline rush.  

Thymesia Review for PlayStation 5

Talking about the protagonist of this game, my character was Corvus, a mysterious man with a past shrouded in mystery, though supposedly the character is the only one who can pull the kingdom back from its current dreadful state. As I was getting my hands on this game, it was clear to me that Thymesia’s story is going to rely heavily on mysteries, perfect for someone who loves knowing secrets like me.  

The slow diving into the past of Corvus to find clues in his memories, in Thymesia seemed like a very interesting gameplay mechanic to me. The way Corvus’s memories are splintered and scattered throughout the kingdom, satisfied my exploring nature. Finding those scattered memories became essential because only with those memories I was able to understand and unlock every mystery in the game. 

While playing the game, I could make out that there are multiple endings in Thymesia, depending on whether or not I could acquire specific items and on how many Corvus’s memories I could find throughout my playthrough. Apart from the setting and story, Thymesia is heavily reminiscent when it comes to combat. My encounters relied largely on fast and frantic melee and ranged attacks with quite a bit of emphasis on dodges and parries.  

I, as Corvus, had the unique ability to turn deadly diseases to my advantage and use them as literal weapons against my foes, I was able to take their weapons after defeating them which added to my strengths. While playing this game I felt as if I was the main character of some novel.  

I felt Thymesia provided me with a greater degree of freedom in building my character in a variety of ways when compared to other combat games. 

Score: 9/10

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Related: Reviews by Harnish Gondaliya

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