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Tokyo Game Show 2019: Outline of Keynote and Expert Sessions

Tokyo Game Show 2019: Outline of Keynote and Expert Sessions

The Keynote Speech titled “ 5G Impact – Will 5G be a “Game Changer” and will be delivered on September 12th. A launch of the “5G” service is anticipated in 2020. Key figures involved in a launch will gather on this session to discuss the trend in the perspectives: How will gaming platforms change and what kind of new experiences can games deliver to users?

On the afternoon of Thursday, September 12, top companies and representatives from the video game industry will gather and hold “Global Game Business Summit” to exchange opinions on video game business trends. (Detail of GGBS will be revealed on middle August.) On Friday, September 13, Expert Sessions focused on the game industry will be held. Leading experts in various fields and key figures in overseas gaming companies will be invited as guest speakers. The new business model and technology trends will be on the agenda.

Advance registration for “TGS Forum 2019” and Expert Sessions started today via the official website ( Attendance for “TGS Forum 2019” is free of charge.

※ TGS2019 Business Day visitor badge will be required. Be sure to complete the advanced registration for Business Day visitors in order to be issued a badge before entering the venue. For more information, please visit TGS official website at .


Business Day Advance Registration Has Begun, and the Convenient “Business Day Gold Pass” is also On Sale

Advance registration for the Business Day for game industry personnel has started via the official website. In addition to “Business Day Registration Ticket” distributed to guests by exhibitors, paid registration (10,000 yen, w/o tax) is also available (After application, there is a predetermined confirmation. Applications are being accepted until 11:59pm Thursday, September 5).

In addition, a limited number of “Business Day Gold Pass” will be available, allowing you to enter the site smoothly through a special reception and giving access to the “TGS Business Matching System” appointment system for holding negotiations with exhibitors and other visitors (for those who have a Business Day Registration Ticket the price of the pass is 15,000 yen (w/o tax), and for those without a Business Day Registration Ticket, the price including the Business Day Advance Registration fee is 25,000 yen (w/o tax)). The Business Day Gold Pass will give you access to the Business Lounge set up on the 2nd floor of the Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall and allow you join the International Party (Friday, September 13 from 5:30 pm), providing a comfortable environment for handling business negotiations. For more details, please visit the official website.

Related: TOKYO GAME SHOW 2019 Exhibitor Information Detailed

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