Two Point Studios’ critically acclaimed hospital management sim, Two Point Hospital, is coming to PlayStation 4, Microsoft Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, but console players will have to wait just a little while longer for it, as the release window for Two Point Hospital moves to the first half of 2020.
“Our community have asked for Two Point Hospital on consoles for a while now and we want to make sure we deliver a game that can be enjoyed to the fullest on all platforms”, said Mark Webley, Game Director at Two Point Studios. “This means we will need a little bit more time to optimise the game to ensure the best possible experience across all platforms.”
In the meantime, further details on Two Point Hospital on consoles and the decision to move the release window, can be found in this blog article on twopointstudios.com.
For more information about all things Two Point Hospital, visit www.twopointhospital.com, where you can also sign up for Hospital Pass. You can follow the game on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
Related: TWO POINT HOSPITAL Close Encounters DLC Now Available, Play Free this Weekend on Steam
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