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TYR: Chains of Valhalla Heading to Nintendo Switch Q1 2019

TYR: Chains of Valhalla Heading to Nintendo Switch Q1 2019

Ennui Studio is very excited to announce that TYR: Chains of Valhalla will be releasing for Nintendo Switch in Q1 2019. Take this opportunity to enjoy this epic experience full of action, Vikings and giant robots!

About Tyr: Chains of Valhalla

Unleash the power of Asgard in a world full of evil robots and vikings in this Platform/Shooter cyberpunk nordic-oriented videogame. Tyr: Chains of Valhalla is inspired by Norse mythology, more precisely, the Ragnarök! In a technological world where humanity depends on mega-corporations like Yggdrasil, big companies know no limits, competing for the global monopoly, and foes are at the order of the day; someone has to put a balance in the city. Tyr: Chains of Valhalla is a 2.5D videogame developed with Unity. Available on PC (Steam) and PlayStation 4, and later this year for Xbox One.

For those who love metal music, Tyr: Chains of Valhalla is now available on digital platforms such as Spotify, Shazam, 8tracks, iTunes, Google Music, Claro Música, YouTube Music, and many more.

For more information of Tyr: Chains of Valhalla, please visit: Follow Ennui Studio on social networks and visit the official Ennui Studio website

Related: Tyr: Chains of Valhalla is Bringing Summer Discounts to Steam and PS4

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