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Ubisoft Invites Players to Celebrate their Ubisoft Journey with a Personalized Wrap-Up

To mark the debut of Ubisoft Connect, players can now create fun videos and infographics using their statistics from the last five years of play

On October 21, Ubisoft announced the release of Ubisoft Connect, the biggest-ever overhaul of its ecosystem of player services, designed for a new era of gaming. This new universal ecosystem brings together millions of players and enhances their experience in and around Ubisoft games, letting them play, progress and stay in touch with friends anywhere.

Created to celebrate players and their gaming experiences, Ubisoft Connect kicks-off this new adventure with a dedicated, time-limited feature that gives each player a look at their unique journey with Ubisoft over the last five years, with personalized videos and infographics based on their in-game data.

From November 16 to December 14, players have the opportunity to generate their Wrap-Up on and get a look back at their gaming memories from the last five years*.

Millions of players eligible to generate personalized infographics and videos

The Wrap-Up feature is available in 11 languages and pulls from a variety of statistics, such as the number of games played, total playtime, kilometers traveled inside various games, headshots, K/D ratio, number of friends and more.

Ubisoft Connect Wrap-Up uses these statistics to generate personalized infographics specific to each player’s journey.

To bring them come to life, Ubisoft and its partners, Biborg and Idomoo, leveraged compelling visuals and content to create a narrative for each individual player to relive their best in-game moments.

Players whose playtime has generated enough data can create their own personalized video. Based on more than 30,000 unique, personalized scenarios, depending on players’ achievements and the games they have played, the videos allow them to become immersed in their gaming journey with Ubisoft over the years.

Ubisoft Connect also has a special surprise in store for its most dedicated players, with an additional bonus at the end of the video: a “thank you” message from a member of their favorite game’s production team.

Since its launch, the Wrap-Up campaign has had a warm reception from communities, with thousands of players sharing their personalized Wrap-Ups on Twitter.

All players can now celebrate their Ubisoft journey with their Ubisoft Connect Wrap-Up and share it on social media using #UbisoftConnectWrapup. This is a time-limited feature, so players will only be able to download, create or consult their Wrap-Ups until December 14.

For more information, please visit Ubisoft Connect’s YouTube channel.

* The statistics begin on September 2015 and include games released from September 2015 to September 2020 (Assassin’s Creed ValhallaWatch Dogs®: LegionBrawlhalla and several other games excluded). Eligible players need to have spent at least 10 hours with our games to generate a wrap-up infographics and 50 hours to generate a wrap-up video. The list of games used to determine the combined playtime is available here:

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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