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WAKING by tinyBuild Now out for PC and Xbox One

Publisher tinyBuild and developer Jason Oda are proud to announce that Waking, an emotional adventure game through a dying mind, is now available for Xbox One and PC via Steam.

An immensely personal game, Waking sees players delve into their own memories, experiences, fears, and desires to overcome being locked in the all-encompassing darkness of a coma. With real-world guided meditations, third-person exploration, and intense combat, Jason Oda’s ambitious introspective adventure is wholly unique, and driven by the desire for players to look within themselves.

Waking Key Features:

  • A true meditative experience: Third-person exploration melds with guided meditation techniques to create a new type of experience at the intersection of reflection, emotion and memory.
  • A uniquely personal journey: Waking asks you to draw on your own experiences, fears and desires and bring them with you on your journey to wake. Your memories are your protectors, your companions and your weapons.
  • A world of dreams and nightmares: The Mindscape is a treacherous place, a shifting, twisted maze of shattered thoughts and errant memory.
  • A fight to survive. A fight to exist: Trapped within your dying mind you face a choice: give in to oblivion or fight for your existence. Use your memories and willpower to uncover the mystery of your dreaming, and return to the waking world.

Waking is now available for Xbox One and Steam. For more information, please visit:

Related: WAKING a Deeply Personal Indie Adventure Announced by tinyBuild

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I have always enjoyed playing video games and am a programming team lead for a video game company. I co-founded Gaming Cypher because I enjoy the gaming community and would like to provide the best news service around. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will make sure to get back to you quickly.