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War Robots: Frontiers Preview for Steam

War Robot: Frontiers Review for Steam

War Robots: Frontiers by MY.GAMES is a strategy, third person mech shooter that focuses on player customization and tactical strategy.  In terms of gameplay, it focuses on player agency through customization, and tactics.  Players will need to dominate the battlefield with quick decision making at times making moves on the fly while making sure they know the ins and outs of their mech.  Moreover, this game takes place 200 years later from the first War Robot game on mobile platforms, and makes this game quite interesting as it is an upgraded version of the game meant for Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation.  Aside from that, the game leaves quite the impression as the mechs truly feel like they have weight and mass latched onto them when moving so players will truly feel the weight of their actions. MY.GAMES have made a pretty fun game and allows players to focus on tactical acumen.

War Robot: Frontiers Review for Steam

This plays into the strategy aspect focusing players to think creatively on how to approach the enemy on the field.  Players have a variety of options at their disposal such as what kind of mech they would like to make, allowing them to focus on taking on specialized roles.  These specialized roles can be focused on long range, mid-range, and close range in general terms, with some minor nuances to them that very up the gameplay loop to become more engaging.  As for how these roles can be further specialized is by selecting the various types of weapons and equipment.  The weapons can determine the range, the equipment can affect the abilities the player can use while on the battlefield and change the flow of battle.  As for how players can obtain more equipment, they will need to put time and effort in the game to get rewarded with in game currency, and occasionally parts.

War Robot: Frontiers Review for Steam

Moreover, these abilities are on a cooldown and it is up to the player when to best utilize them for maximum efficiency.  Aside from player input in the form of the mech, players especially newer players will need to utilize the environment to their advantage so taking high ground, hiding behind buildings, and knowing where or when they might get flanked.  These mechs feel heavy and have weight so players will need to keep an eye on the momentum of their mech when going around corners.  By doing so makes players realize the importance of positioning and placement of their mech on the field truly making the game live up to its focus as a strategy-based game.  The game oozes strategy and it is a critical part of the game’s identity, as its always at the forefront when playing the game.  Players will need to focus on positioning, placement, and what to focus in game as to achieve the most optimal route for success.

War Robots: Frontier is a strategy game first and foremost so tactics will play a huge part in how well the player can perform.  While this can seem intimidating when starting out, players will grow accustomed to the pace and learn more of the ins and outs of the game.  Once players overcome the difficulty spike from playing a new game, they are able to customize their mech’s appearance, weaponry, and abilities to their heart’s content. MY.GAMES should be proud of the game they have made as it fulfills the third person tactical mech game that has been missing from the scene for Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam.

War Robots: Frontiers launches for Windows PC via Steam and the official website, on PlayStation 4|5, and Xbox One and Series X|S on March 4, 2025.

Related: Reviews by Kyle Manila

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I would describe myself when interacting with games as a strategist with a pension for stealth and loud explosions.

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