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Warframe Revolutionizes Prime Access thru Prime Resurgence

Available Today for All Platforms, Prime Resurgence Offers a More Streamlined and Flexible Path for Players to Assemble the Powerful Prime Vanguard Kicking Off with Wukong Prime and Equinox Prime

Warframe Revolutionizes Prime Access thru Prime Resurgence

Digital Extremes is sunsetting Warframe’s Prime Vault and evolving the rollout of Prime Warframes through the new Prime Resurgence program, releasing today for all platforms. First introduced to Warframe players last year as a limited-run event, Prime Resurgence returns today as a permanent ongoing program in place of Prime Vault with major improvements based on an analysis of community feedback intended to streamline player access to the most powerful items and gear the Origin System has to offer. A new trailer highlights how the Dax vendor, Varzia, and Digital Extremes are now offering elusive Prime Warframe’s and gear in a more frequent and substantially more user-friendly way with its improved Prime Resurgence (seen below).

 Check out the Warframe Prime Resurgence Program Launch Trailer:

Gain Access to Powerful Prime Warframes and Gear More Frequently

Prime Resurgence introduces a new cadence of availability for Prime Warframes, Weapons, and Gear, making a new rotation of Primes available more frequently in Warframe as opposed to every three months in its now-retired Prime Vault program. Each month, players can look forward to two Prime Warframes and a subset of Prime Gear available to earn in-game or instantly unlock with Aya and Regal Aya respectively, beginning today with Wukong Prime and Equinox Prime.

Players now have greater access to visit Varzia Dax in Maroo’s Bazaar for Prime Resurgence items through a more easily accessible ‘Visit Varzia’ command available in the Void Relic Segment interface, instantly transporting players to Varzia to recover Prime Warframes and Gear lying dormant in Orokin technology. Warframe players also now have the option to skip visiting Varzia in Maroo’s Bazaar on Mars and can access Prime Resurgence via the Warframe in-game Market in their Orbiter.

Reduced Grind for Players to Earn the Powerful Gear They Want

Prime Resurgence is making it easier for Warframe players to earn the Prime gear they want for free by removing the randomization associated with Prime Vault and allowing players to purchase specific Void Relics for Aya. With Prime Resurgence, players can now complete select Warframe missions to earn Aya and exchange it for the Void Relics they want, instead of receiving random Void Relics as mission rewards. This improvement creates a more direct path for players to earn and build the Prime’s they want much faster than ever before. Additionally, players participating in Prime Resurgence will now have more flexibility in selecting the individual Prime items they want to purchase with Regal Aya. While bundles will remain available for players to purchase, Digital Extremes is now giving players the ability to pick and choose individual Prime items from bundled offerings to purchase with Regal Aya a la carte.

Warframe Revolutionizes Prime Access thru Prime Resurgence

The Advantage of Prime Warframes and Gear

Prime Warframes, Weapons, and Gear can be instantly unlocked or earned for a limited-time during Prime Resurgence, letting players add the power and prestige of the Prime Warframe to their Arsenal. A Prime Warframe, Weapon, or Accessory represents technology as it was during the height of the Orokin Era and boasts superior performance and other advantages over its non-primed counterpart. Prime Warframes, in particular, offer increased base stats and additional polarity slots offering maximum customization, among other features like enhanced visual style and advanced weaponry.

To keep up with the latest updates, be sure to follow Warframe on Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. Download Warframe on Steam PC, Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Related: 50th Playable WARFRAME, Styanax, Free for All Players this September

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