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Women in Animation Presents A Talk with Janey Yang

Women in Gaming Presents A Talk with Janey Yang

Women in Animation is presenting a Women in Gaming talk featuring Janey Yang next week on Thursday, July 16th.

a Talk with Janey Yang

Sitting amongst a crowd of 300 at a video game tech conference, muscles and brains galore, but where art thou my ladies? Art thy muscles weaker than men? Maybe. Brains less developed? If you want to believe that. Why is it that in the last decade the entry rate for women in games is low, and the exit rate escalating? As a female video game developer, I would like to share what I have learned and together with you bring forward change.

About Janey Yang:

Growing up in the country side of Taiwan, Janey thought little of her own future, let alone making a difference in someone else’s. Her strengths were babysitting and dish washing; her weakness was mosquito bites. She never dreamed that she would one day be working for big name conglomerates like Electronic Arts or Sony, living in the U.S., or even speaking English. But the country bumpkin achieved all three, because her parents miscalculated their migration plan to Canada, thinking the Canadians would yield no influence over their obedient children. Boy were they wrong! Because of their mistake, Janey experienced many happy accidents, like she was good at math, or that she was able to get into one of the country’s toughest engineering programs despite being unable to pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language for her prerequisite. With each happy accident her strength grew, and her challenges changed. Today, Janey works as a technical artist at DICE Los Angeles where she helps artists troubleshoot issues in 3D software, teaches game writing tools to speed up their workflow, and communicates between  art and engineering.

When: July 16, 2015
Doors open at 6:30pm
Presentation begins at 7:00 pm

Where: The Animation Guild
1105 N. Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505

Cost: $15 for non members/Free for members 

You can buy your ticket here.

Source: Press Release

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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