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Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Sidescrolls onto PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch April 18

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Sidescrolls onto PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch April 18

Pre-orders are available today on PS4 (Europe only)

Also Announced for PC, The Game Will Launch on Steam Later This Spring

Paris, France – DotEmu, developer and publisher specializing in modern releases of beloved retro games, and Lizardcube, are thrilled to announce that Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap will be available on April 18th for the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch (and a few weeks after on PC).

Boasting beautiful, hand-drawn animations and a re-orchestrated soundtrack, the cult classic returns with a unique blend of exploration, action, and adventure. Play as Lizard-Man, Mouse-Man, Piranha-Man, Lion-Man, and Hawk-Man, and use their unique abilities to uncover the land’s deepest secrets. Switch in real-time between the original retro graphics and the visually stunning modern remake, and input your old Sega Master System passcode to unlock all of your old saves and progression – just how you left them in 1989.

Stay tuned, a last surprise will be announced on March 22nd!

Related: Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Lets You Switch from HD to New Retro Feature

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