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WORLD OF WARSHIPS Welcomes The Statue of Liberty as a Playable Commander

Wargaming, publisher and developer of the naval multiplayer free-to-play game, World of Warships, has announced new events and content to celebrate American Independence Day in World of Warships. From the ability to recruit the Statue of Liberty as a Commander to an Independence Day mission patch and discounts on American ships, the game will be full of festive charm this July.

WORLD OF WARSHIPS Welcomes The Statue of Liberty as a Playable Commander

Wake up in a city that never sleeps with the Statue of Liberty and New York missions

If you’re up for something special, get ready on June 27 with a limited-time mission chain! This six-mission Independence Day chain will be available until July 13, and finishing it will grant you the exclusive Statue of Liberty commander. Fully-voiced and ready for action, she will be your guide as you fight for freedom with your roster of ships.

Go California dreaming with the San Diego and the Statue of Liberty

To commemorate Independence Day, the brand new Tier VIII ship San Diego will be available for purchase starting on the 1st of July. Sequential bundles await you in the Armory! They provide San Diego and Kearsarge (a powerful hybrid of a battleship and an aircraft carrier), Commander Statue of Liberty with a specialization for San Diego, the 1776 permanent camouflage for this light cruiser, and other valuable items! The bundles with San Diego are also available for purchase in the Premium Shop.

Celebrate with style and sales on previously released ships!

Need to build up your US ships? From July 1 to 4, costs for researchable ships have been reduced by up to 50%! If you missed out on battleship Kansas as well as Commander Leroy Jenkins, you will be able to acquire them with additional offers in the Armory and Premium Shop for this event only. Have a look at the stores for more details.

Check Out the World of Warships Armada: San Diego American Cruiser Trailer:

For more information, visit: HERE

Related: Pan-European and Premium American Ships Now in World of Warships: Legends

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