Gaming Cypher

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World of Warcraft Player from Russia Earns All 2,057 Achievements

A player from Russia has won all of Blizzard’s World of Warcraft achievements, all 2,057 of them.

In addition, Хируко has earned 205 of the 300 Feats of Strength, and leveled up every single class to max level first on his server.

Take a look at the screen below to check out his profile,

World of Warcraft Player from Russia Earns All 2,057 Achievements
How did he do this, you ask? He transferred to a low population realm with his guild and then played on multiple accounts simultaneously. Meanwhile, his friends concentrated on killing characters trying to reach level 90.

How many achievements have you unlocked in World of Warcraft?

Source: World of Warcraft

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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