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WWE 2K14 – New Undertaker Mode, ‘The Streak’

2K Games has announced a new game mode for WWE 2K14, The Streak, featuring the Undertaker.


The Streak mode comes in two different varieties.

‘Defeat the Streak’ lets players take part in a no-disqualification match against a brutally difficult Undertaker. Players can choose any existing or custom wrestler to fight and will then be graded on showmanship, length of the bout and how many big moments they produce. All of the stats then go towards leaderboard rankings.

‘Defend the Streak’ is an infinite survival mode where users get to play as The Undertaker, pitting him against opponents until he drops. Players will be scored on several leaderboard criteria. Player damage never resets in this mode.

In case you missed it, check out the Xbox 360 Achievements list here (SPOILERS).

WWE 2K14 will release on October 29 in North America and November 1 across Europe for PS3 and Xbox 360.

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