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“ZOM-B-GIRLS” Zombies Pin-Up Playing Cards

What is better than zombies, pin-up art, or awesome comic style graphics? How about all three of them combined? Our friends over at Tabletop Games are creating a new project on Kickstarter titled “ZOM-B-GIRLS” Zombies Pin-Up Playing Cards, which are high quality playing cards with artwork designed by a former colorist from Marvel and D.C. You can view the Kickstarter page here. Below is just an excerpt of the page, and you can view the video above.

Important Notes:

NEW REWARD!: (The Chosen Ones) So we’re close to our first 100 backers which is awesome.  Because of this we’ve decided at Team Zombie upon a new reward.  Our 100th backer, and then our 200th and then our 300th (and onwards as far as this campaign goes) shall be automatically eligible to be depicted in the background of one of the cards care of our great illustrators, this is otherwise only available with the Chuck Norris level of support. While you wont be the focus of the card (our lovely zombie ladies are of course), you will be clearly depicted as a zombie in one of our cards. This reward is not something that will be on the sidebar, but will be something we will contact each person who hits our 100th, 200th, 300th backer mark. Stay safe, board the windows and stock up on canned goods my friends.

About estimated delivery date: Please note that while most of our rewards state that the delivery will be in September, this is an error, they will actually be in October (unless we’re able to finish the art on the cards and have them printed sooner, in which case we will).  Our apologies for this error (once rewards are claimed, it is too late to change the dates on them).

About the cards: The cards material will be of high quality, German Black core paper (310gsm. 63*88mm)

What is it?

100% custom Zombie Pinup Girl poker playing cards.  Because what’s better than zombies? Beautiful zombies…duh! Henceforth they shall be known as “Zom-B-girls”.

Why Pinup Girl Zombies?

We believe many will love a unique deck incorporating humour, playful sexiness and of course that current staple of pop culture, the ever lovin’ Zombie! Just because humanity has perished from this alternate post apocalyptic zombie world doesn’t mean they have to miss out on cute girls when they play cards! And neither should you.

How we found the deck.

In a world much like our own, in a time, in a place…it was/is (dimension hopping is confusing) 2015 and the pandemic has/had (ok I’ll stop) reached its natural conclusion…humanity has pretty much snuffed it.  The zombies unlive everywhere, but after a while of chasing the few survivors around, they just kind of went back to their normal unlives, just at a much slower pace with a lot less chit chat. Card games still got played, albeit very slowly, the occasional finger falling into the chip bowl and pinup zombgirls still needed to show off, before their looks completely fade (in a day or two usually).  And so a world went “rraouggha” and “brains!” and “uhhhg?” in response to the most beautiful deck of pinup Zom-B-girls ever unleashed upon an unthinking and pungent populace.

Fortunately for us we’ve only got a portal into their world and we pop in now and then to nick stuff.  In this case we’ve come back with a deck so profound, so beautiful that we had to share it.

Where you come in…

But here’s the thing, we’ve only managed to find a few of the cards before we had to run (we lost Gary, but nobody really liked Gary anyway). But we need your help!

With your funding we’ll be able to launch a full expedition into this world to recover the missing cards (and maybe some other goodies).  We’ll keep you updated on our progress, we’ll let you get to know the team (and mourn the occasional one we’ll probably lose).

Zombie Queen of Hearts
Zombie Queen of Hearts
Zombie King of Aces
Zombie King of Aces
5 of Hearts
5 of Hearts
Backcover of ZOM-B-GIRLS cards
Backcover of ZOM-B-GIRLS cards
7 of Hearts
7 of Hearts

If you go to our homepage and scroll down to the articles section, you will be able to see a widget on the sidebar that allows you to donate to the project. Are you excited about “ZOM-B-GIRLS” Zombies Pin-Up Playing Cards?

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