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Aliens: Colonial Marines Xbox 360 Patch

A patch has been issued for the Aliens: Colonial Marines game on the Xbox 360.(see below)

Meanwhile, Gearbox has issues a Tweet for PC and Playstation 3 players promising an update soon.

Updates for Aliens: Colonial Marines on PC and PlayStation 3 are on the way as well — notes will be posted as they become available.
— Gearbox Software (@GearboxSoftware) March 7, 2013

Here are the full patch notes for the Xbox 360:

3/7/2013 Update 


  • Addressed an issue that could sometimes cause co-op player revival to not work under certain circumstances.
  • Addressed issues with players not spawning into a level properly.
  • Fixed a marine player invincibility exploit.
  • Resolved several instances where players could walk or fall outside of maps.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause localized text to sometimes display incorrectly.
  • Addressed an issue where weapon ammunition was not always highlighted properly.
  • Addressed some issues where multiplayer / co-op clients could see interactive objects displayed in a different state.
  • Fixed a bug affecting voiceovers with the Firing Range bonus content.
  • Addressed an issue where Ripley’s Flamethrower (bonus content) would sometimes fire continuously without player input.
  • Addressed a rare issue that could cause Achievements to not unlock properly.
  • General user interface improvements.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.


  • Addressed some issues that could cause improper warping for co-op players.
  • Various tweaks to address instances where NPC characters would not always properly navigate to objectives.
  • Added safeguards to prevent players from using a weapon in the weapons-suppressed portion of “One Bullet.”
  • Modified Bella and Reid’s behavior in “No Hope in Hadley’s” to prevent them from spawning at the wrong point.


  • Fixed issues that could clients to report inaccurate results and statistics.
  • Addressed instances where a map would appear to “pop in” when loading into a new match.
  • Addressed an issue that was could cause stutter when opening the multiplayer scoreboard.
  • Switching profiles while in a lobby now returns players to the title screen immediately.
  • Multiplayer teams should now correctly auto-balance between rounds.
  • New Xeno appearance customization added.

2/12/2013 Update 


  • General user interface improvements.
  • Various performance improvements.
  • Fixed issue where a door may not function properly if a Xeno was killed while opening it.
  • Addressed issue where players could become stuck in a close encounter after killing a Lurker that had pounced them.
  • Fixed collision issue where bullets would not pass through certain open doorways.
  • Fixed an issue related to clients incorrectly interrupting Xeno melee encounters.
  • Addressed an issue where doors would sometimes not open properly.
  • Addressed an exploit where players could melee while throwing a grenade or placing a claymore.
  • Fixed some collision detection issues that could result from a close encounter.
  • Prevented campaign pop-ups from appearing outside of campaign.


  • Fixed an issue that could prevent NPCs from getting on the elevator in the Sulaco.
  • NPCs no longer attempt to open doors while being welded.
  • Fixed issue where Raven could sometimes pass through welded door.
  • Implementing a message to warn players that campaign progress will be overwritten if they try to start an offline campaign game from within the co-op campaign UI.
  • Adjusted the distance between players before they’re warped to the location of furthest player in co-op.
  • Fixed issue where torch would sometimes appear incorrectly to co-op clients.
  • Fixed issue where difficulty could sometimes become stuck incorrectly after switching modes.
  • Fixed issue where co-op player would not recover properly after being saved from a close encounter.
  • Fixed issue where Russian players could not drop into a co-op match in some missions.
  • Updated late-game close encounter moment to disable player input, which could cause them to become stuck.
  • Splitscreen: Weapon Radial menu no longer appears for other players when the pause menu is opened.
  • Splitscreen: Fixed issue where if the Game Menu is opened while accessing the Weapon Radial, it stays up on does not function properly.


  • Resolved issue where campaign Motion Tracker could incorrectly in multiplayer loadouts.
  • Fixed issue where clients would sometimes be invisible after spawning in No Hope in Hadleys.
  • Multiplayer teams are now randomized (parties excluded) if percentage difference in scores is greater than 15%
  • ‘Switch Teams’ option removed from the Pause menu.
  • Corrected issue where server and client could get out-of-sync when switching out of a power-up while firing.
  • Fixed issue where controller would vibrate during the scores screen if Rage ability was active upon match end.
  • Fixed issue where Cloak ability would not conceal the Lurker when walking or jogging.
  • Corrected bug where clients appeared to spawn outside of world before match start.
  • Removed placeholder text from appearing on scoreboard in certain situations.
  • Improved camera transition when Xeno enters a vent.
  • Fixed issue where Xenomorph HUD could sometimes appear in the wrong color.
  • Fixed issue with Spitter acid sometimes preventing players from deploying a Sentry Turret for a short while.
  • Spitter’s “Acid Spray” now originates from the mouth.
  • Escape: Fixed issue where Xenos could spawn in unplayable space.
  • Escape: Fixed issue where Xeno players could lose functionality if warped to next area while in a vent.
  • Escape: Addressed issues where players would spawn with no weapon if they were the last Marine to die in Escape.
  • Escape: Fixed issue where Cat-Like Reflexes ability would not properly complete in an Escape match.
  • Escape: Improved timing and placement of warp locations in Emergency Evac map.
Support for Aliens: Colonial Marines is handled primarily by SEGA Support. You can reach SEGA Support at:
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