Today, 2K and Gearbox Software released New Tales from the Borderlands worldwide. The new choice-based narrative adventure game further expands...
Galit Gordon
In today's Resident Evil Showcase, Capcom unleashed new footage and updates for Resident Evil Village Gold Edition and its Winters'...
KRAFTON, Inc. has revealed the entire list of participating teams for the PUBG Global Championship (PGC) 2022, the premier esports...
More rewards and surprises await players as Booyah Day 2022 culminates this weekend on October 22! Fans and players can...
Today, Ubisoft announced that Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope is now available worldwide*, exclusively for Nintendo Switch. Players will...
Casino games have never failed to provide players with excitement, entertainment, and a pleasurable experience. Among the many advantages of online...
Rockstar Games is happy to announce updated content in GTA Online. Halloween Reaches Fever Pitch in Los Santos this Week in GTA...
Ubisoft, in collaboration with Konami Digital Entertainment, released the latest Epic Crossover for Brawlhalla with characters Simon Belmont and Alucard....