Ubisoft Massive is offering great tips for aspiring programmers during a Google Hangout event. The following is a blurb...
Galit Gordon
Bungie has released collectible Destiny trading cards that were given out at various events during 2013. Each card features a weapon,...
PlayStation has detailed its annual Spring Fever promotion, listing great discounts for both PS4 and PS3 titles. You can...
PlayStation just announced that developer Polytron's puzzler FEZ has been dated for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita. Working in...
Developer Iron Beard Games out of Stuttgart, Germany, announced that its mobile free-to-play app, Book of Mana, will be releasing...
Sucker Punch received its inFamous: Second Son European television commercial, that includes some live action by Delsin. This follows the...
Ubisoft Montreal's Watch Dogs has been dated on the Sony Entertainment Network store for June 30. This follows a...
League of Legends developer, Riot Games, announced the new Team Builder two-day live Beta that will be taking place starting tomorrow,...