Nintendo has announced that players who who register 3DS exclusives Fire Emblem: Awakening and the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei 4...
Gaming Cypher
Developer Popcap has released its free-to-play Plants vs Zombies 2 ahead of its delayed release in New Zealand and Australia....
Even though Zombie U is the highest selling third-party game on the Wii U, apparently it did not come even...
Developer Rockstar Games has announced that the Grand Theft Auto 5 gameplay reveal video will release tomorrow, Tuesday, July 9th....
Major Nelson of Xbox posted this morning that the annual Summer of Arcade will begin on August 7th. The following...
Entertainment Software Association has announced that both Activision Blizzard and Tencent have joined its ranks. This brings the ESA's membership...
EA Sports has released a new gameplay trailer for NHL 14 showcasing goalies at play. You can view the new...
Nintendo has released a new Pikmin 3 trailer, which describes what each Pikmin character does. You can view the new...