City of Brass is a game by the BioShock veterans at Uppercut Games. In the amazing world of City of Brass you get...
Steven Reyes
I am a lifelong gamer since the days of Atari, Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. I find the world of gaming fascinating, it's a place where you can immerse yourself into other worlds and do extraordinary things. As for my profession, I work on independent films as a sound mixer and sound designer. @reyesofsounds on Instagram/Twitter/youtube Resident Evil 2 will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on January 25, 2019. Arca's Path is available to buy and download on PlayStation Store, SteamVR, Viveport and Oculus Store.
Dark Eclipse is a Playstation VR game by developer Sunsoft. It is the first ever game that brings MOBA gameplay...
STAY is a single player game by developer Appnormals Team, and it falls under the genre of Adventure / Strategy. ...
Destination Primus Vita is a game by Ubisoft veterans at Epsilon Games. The game is a first-person narrative, that focuses...