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Awesomenauts – Free-to-Play This Week, Patch 1.22.3 Full Notes


Ronimo Games just announced that Awesomenauts is free-to-play this week.

The studio also announced that the game’s Patch 1.22.3 is now up and running and have released the full notes, which you can view below:

General fixes
-Fixed the very rare bug that sometimes the base would keep exploding without actually going to the winning screen, causing everyone to get a loss, despite that one team had clearly already won
-Fixed that the Quit-countdown would also appear when using the “Join better game” button.
-Changed turret bullet graphics to make their visuals fit their homing behaviour better
-Improved framerate in in-game shop a little bit
-Fixed some minor text errors

Admiral Swiggins
-Palladium Teabag Chain now works correctly
-Med-i-can second stage now works for Swiggins
-Fixed that Royal Toy Castle didn’t show its shield graphics
-Fixed that Royal Toy Castle would break if it were bought before buying the Anchor Drop skill
-Fixed description of Treasure Lottery Map to describe what it actually does
-When Krill biscuits have been purchased and Swiggins respawns he will have full health
-Fixed that with Pool Boy the increased damage didn’t end after one attack when hitting the base
-Fixed that the anchor could chain a cocooned enemy
-Fixed that sometimes when an enemy was captured by the anchor while flying through a jumppad, he would instantly die
-Fixed that Swiggins used only one of his lines for being selected in the character select menu
-Fixed that some small graphics disappeared while teleporting

Vinnie & Spike
-Rubber mask now correctly gives 1 Solar per second

-Derpl can push others a little bit better again while out of siegemode

-Fixed that the Shaolin Ayla skin didn’t use here extra voice lines for when attacking and using skills

-Fixed that a cocooned enemy would block Leon’s Tongue

-Fixed a bug where the return butterfly wouldn’t spawn after buying Wool shawl with glow bracelets
-Fixed that Butterfly Shot sometimes didn’t return, cause damage to be halved when this happens

In case you missed it, you can check out the fun Awesomenauts: Starstorm Celebration Video of Reaching Kickstarter Goal.

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