Developer Cloud M1 is looking for your funding support on Kickstarter for their Mario-inspired platformer, Ayo The Clown.
Ayo the Clown is a 2.5D side-scrolling platformer reminiscent of genre favorites like Mario and Donkey Kong. What sets Ayo the Clown apart from traditional platformers is its sense of adventure, light puzzle facets, and RPG elements.Like the Legend of Zelda series, Ayo’s potential isn’t realized at the game’s offset. You will collect skill upgrades and extra hearts that add to your overall life as you progress through this lush world.
Ayo The Clown Key Features:
- An action platformer that is suitable for all ages
- Unique art style with colorful graphics and detailed animation
- Original soundtrack composed just for the game
- Challenging but fun platforming for both casual and hardcore action platformer fans
- Original comic book made just for this game
- Interesting puzzles throughout the game
- An intimate story where Ayo finding his courage and trying to rescue his best friend
- Featuring many quirky and fun characters with their own unique personalities
Here is Ayo The Clown Trailer:
You can help support Ayo The Clown on Kickstarter right now with 26 more days to go and $30,000 funding goal. You can also play the pre-alpha demo right here
I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.
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