Gaming Cypher

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Biker Garage: Mechanic Simulator Announced for Steam and Consoles

Developer has announced that Biker Garage: Mechanic Simulator is now in Closed Alpha, and based on the feedback, they are sure that they will deliver the best biker mechanic simulator on the market.

“We want to invite players to the best mechanic simulator for bike passionates. As a mechanic, you work on motorcycles and their engines recreated to the smallest details. Replace, sell, buy, and paint spare parts. Buy damaged bikes, fix them, and sell them for profit. Tune motorcycles and test them in racing challenges.”

Biker Garage: Mechanic Simulator Announced for Steam and Consoles

Biker Garage: Mechanic Simulator Key Features:

  • 15 motorcycles!
  • Regular and tricky jobs from clients
  • Repair system (buy, sell, mount, unmount parts)
  • Painting parts
  • Auction system (buy, restore & sell motorcycles for profit)
  • Developing skills
  • Customizing and expanding the garage
  • Driving bikes
  • 1/4 mile racing challenges!

Biker Garage: Mechanic Simulator is slated to release for PC via Steam in the fall (you can wishlist it right now). Console versions are scheduled for early 2020.

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.