Reloaded Productions and Blazing Griffin have announced their new tactical, top-down shooter, APB: Retribution. APB: Retribution is currently being developed...
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus has received age ratings for PS Vita in Brazil and Europe. You can...
Just last week, developer Full Control announced that it will be releasing Space Hulk on iPad. Space Hulk along...
Gaijin Entertainment has announced that you can now sign up and play the War Thunder: Ground Forces PC Beta. The...
EA has announced that developer Inside Mobile Apps' free-to-play Heroes of Dragon Age is now available on iOS and Android....
Surgeon Simulator developer, Bossa Studios, has released a teaser trailer for its newest project, 'Time to Live.' Bossa has announced...
DotEmu has released Double Dragon Trilogy on iOS and Android. The game features arcade ports of Double Dragon, Double Dragon...
Bravely Default designer, Akihiko Yoshida, has left Square Enix. Yoshida's joined Square Enix in 1995, and some of his most...