MGA Entertainment, the world's largest privately held toy company, and Outright Games, the leading worldwide publisher of family-friendly interactive...
Mobile Don't Starve: Newhome, the newest mobile installment of Klei's hit gaming series, has released a new animated story trailer.... 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run! Oasis Games Ltd, a leading global game publisher, today...
Not content with delivering outer-space-mayhem-galore with the release of The Captain is Dead, digital board game specialists, Thunderbox Entertainment, have...
June Update Draws BTS Preparing 'MAP OF THE SOUL : 7' Album along with Introducing Archive System, Special Event Stage and... Blade & Soul Revolution, Netmarble’s open world RPG that is directly inspired by the popular Blade & Soul MMORPG for Windows PC, received...
Students in college are asked to work on various types of assignments, some more complicated than others. When tasked with projects, the...
For decades, scholars have tried to unravel the true impact of video games in the education sector, with differing propositions being...