Dark Souls II released yesterday in North America and today, Namco Bandai America released a statement that developer From Software...
Star Wars: The Old Republic announced that the upcoming double XP weekend will take place Friday, 3/14 - Monday, 3/17. You...
Firefox has released a new video featuring a first glimpse of Epic's Unreal Engine 4 running in the Firefox browser....
TellTale Games just announced that you can now download the cover of 'In the Pines' from the upcoming The Walking...
Mighty No. 9 has gotten a development update and a new screenshot released by Comcept’s Keiji Inafune. Inafune stated...
Player.me, the new gaming social platform, has released an update. You can view the Player.me update below, taken directly...
Innate Games includes several former BioWare developers, who have landed on Kickstarter with Epoch: Return. Explore an unknown alien world...
Developer TellTale Games has released a new 'Accolades' trailer for The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 2. You can view...