Volition Inc. and Deep Silver have released a new developer diary video titled 'What Happens in Space.' You can view...
Treyarch and Activision have announced that the final DLC pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is titled Apocalypse....
Developer Atlus has released a new trailer for its fighter King of Fighters XIII Steam Edition. Even though the game...
Activision Blizzard has released a new teaser trailer 'Origins' for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The video might not...
4J Studios announced that it received the 5-million sales award from Xbox Live Arcade. You can view the official tweet...
Developer Bohemia Interactive has announced that right after Arma III's launch, it will be releasing the game's campaign in three...
This has been a Saints Row 4 kind of day! We got you started with news of the Dubstep Replica...
We just told you how Saints Row 4 is geting a Replica Dubstep Gun, and now we are listing developer...