Firefall is a Free-to-Play, MMO, FPS from Red 5 Studios. Its major Patch 0.6 went into effect at the PAX...
Arma 3 alpha developer, Bohemia Interactive, announced that the game has been updated. Below you can find the full patch...
Kerbal Space Program is a multi-genre game where players create their own space program. You the players must build a...
Check out Big Picture, Steam's new mode that lets gamers access all of their favorite Steam games on a television....
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag has received its first debut gameplay trailer.In addition, the game has a list of collector...
Magicka: Wizard Wars was announced at GDC by its developer, Paradox North.The game is a player-versus-player (PvP)-focused multiplayer game based...
During GDC, BioWare announced that SWTOR's first major expansion “Rise of the Hutt Cartel” will be released April 14th.Check out...
BioShock Infinity keeps getting great reviews and has been named one of the "top games" of the year.Check out the...