In the nearly five decades since the U.S.S. Enterprise first ventured into space, her crew has encountered untold foes, but...
Riot Games released the League of Legends Patch 3.5 today. The patch makes crucial changes to characters Akali, Kayle and...
SimCity tweeted that it has brought back Cheetah Speed and is also working on Update 2.0.Here is the official tweet:Yes,...
Ronimo Games has released a new Awesomenauts, Map Aiguillon trailer for its 1.17 Patch. The patch includes two new character...
Steam's registry has received a newly registered Warner Bros.' 2011 version of Mortal Kombat featuring 51 achievements.You can check out...
BioWare has released a new Star Wars The Old Republic Rise of the Hutt Cartel 'Scum and Villainy' Trailer.The update...
If you are a PC or Indie developer you can showcase your game to Rezzed by submitting your title to...
The first video released in a series of three, Metro: Last Light - Ranger Survival Guide prepares players for their...