Long before a certain bounty hunter donned her iconic spacesuit, a 16-year-old programmer named Robert Jaeger created one of the...
The "Monster Energy Supercross" franchise is back with its latest installment, "Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 6." Feel...
Today’s Capcom Spotlight provided a look at what’s new and upcoming in the world of Capcom! The digital broadcast unveiled...
The saga of GTA Online: Los Santos Drug Wars reaches its eye-popping conclusion with an explosion of hallucinations, kidnapping, and revenge in The Last Dose....
“The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure” is a role-playing video game developed by Nihon Falcom that was originally released...
The Deep End Games and 2124 Publishing, after gaining a vast cult following and raising a successful Kickstarter campaign, have...
Independent publisher BlitWorks Games is proud to announce that Pirates Outlaws is launching on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One...
Developer SIEG Games Co., Ltd., founded by Grandia, GunGriffon and Lunar series producer Yoichi Miyaji, has announced that the Kickstarter campaign...