Techland has published the third Urban Legend audio story from the Dying City series, "Dedrick," a tale about a father...
Do you have what it takes to challenge dictator Antón Castillo, played by Hollywood's favorite villain, Giancarlo Esposito? He'll be...
Growing up, I was never much of a car guy, but I always respected them and the car/racing video game...
Rockstar Games is happy to announce this week’s new content in GTA Online. Bikers of All Stripes Come Out Ahead This Week... Today, KOEI TECMO America and developer Gust Studios introduced two new students into the BLUE REFLECTION: Second Light academy: Uta...
Ghostrunner, the first-person cyberpunk parkour action game from publisher 505 Games, alongside developers and partners All In! Games, One More Level, 3D Realms, and Slipgate...
Electronic Arts Inc., today announced a change to the launch date of Battlefield 2042, which will now release worldwide on...
Negan and Maggie are teaming up with Michonne, Rick Grimes, and Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead in Brawlhalla later...