Just today Rockstar announced that Grand Theft Auto 5 is available through Xbox Games on Demand. The developer announced...
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag developer Ubisoft has suggested that the entire game, core and exploration, can take up to...
Volition's Saints Row 4 has released the Xbox 360 Achievements List for Enter the Dominatrix. You can view the...
The review scores for Skylanders: Swap Force have rolled in and they are looking pretty good. You can view the...
The PlayStation Blog just announced that the Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag soundtrack is now available to listen to through...
2K Games released Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition last week, and today, they announced that the first Headhunter...
This week's Famitsu gave glowing reviews for the Wii U version of Sonic: Lost World and similar scores for the...
The following is a statement directly from the Watch Dogs development teams. Our ambition from the start with Watch Dogs...