In case you missed the H1Z1 Podcast Zero (Part 1) yesterday, take a look at it below. It's about 42...
DICE has launched the Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment where Premium members can opt-in to a public test to help shape...
Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag The Nightstalker's Greed Comte Costume is available now. Just head over to Multiplayer to find out the details and take...
Developer Ubisoft has released a new trailer for Watch Dogs. Here is what the developer had to say about the new video:...
Developer Techland has announced that its action survival horror title, Dying Light, will be delayed until February 2015. Here is...
Bethesda announced that the June release date of The Elder Scrolls Online for Xbox One and PS4 will be delayed by...
Sony and Evolution Studios’ have released a new video for DriveClub explaining how to choose between Blu-Ray vs PlayStation Plus Edition. Take...
Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag The Dandy's Aspiring Comte Costume is available now. Just head over to Multiplayer to find out the details and...