Developer Techland has released a new City of Harran trailer for Dying Light. Take a look at the new video below: Dying Light...
Bungie Brings All-New Single-Player, Co-op and Multiplayer Activities, Gear and Weapons to Continue Your Quest to Become a Legend SANTA...
Activision and Bungie have released the first Destiny Expansion The Dark Below today and with it, a new video. With this expansion, PlayStation gamers...
Sony Online Entertainment has announced the Early Access launch date for its MMO title H1Z1. H1Z1 OUTBREAK IMMINENT! Experience an unforgiving world overrun...
Sony and Evolution Studios have released the Extreme Weather patch for the PS4 exclusive DRIVECLUB. Take a look at the full update notes below: New...
A new gameplay video has been captured this past weekend at the PlayStation Experience for developer Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix' Lara Croft...
Developer Hello Games has released a new video and screenshots for its exploration and survival title, No Man's Sky. History...
Developer Ronimo Games has released a new Coco Announcer video for Awesomenauts: Starstorm. Take a look at the new video below: Related: Awesomenauts...