Developers state the following mature themes: Depictions of suicide, Partial underage nudity, Depiction of sexual violence. "The Hungry Lamb" presents...
Reigns Beyond, by developer Nerial and publisher Devolver Digital, is a choose your own adventure game where you play decision...
Introduction/Information about Final Factory The game Final Factory is a game that was released in early access on Steam on...
Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL, developed and published by Konami for the Xbox One, PlayStation, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile, is another...
I struggle to like Hammerwatch II. Crackshell’s latest entry in their Hammerwatch series is sure to attract a fanbase. This...
Metro Simulator 2 developed by KishMish Games and published by Ultimate Games for the Xbox One is an in-depth simulator...
My new obsession! I love city builders! Or maybe it is just Manor Lords, developed by Wunderkind, one-man nerd-supreme, Slavic...
What is the most you are willing to risk for $70,000? I used to think my 9-to-5 prepared me for...