Clever gameplay? Aesthetic allure? Immediacy and variety? - Check, check, and check. Nintendo’s classic form and function. “Surprise Mechanics”? Microtransactions?...
Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble by developer AREA 35, Inc., on Unreal Engine, is quite the interesting game. It’s another...
Arriving on site, stepping out from the cool, air conditioned uber to the sweltering 90 degree heat, where I’d be...
***REQUESTING ACCESS…*** ***ACCESS GRANTED. TELEPORTING…*** WHOA! Where am I? Am I, on a spaceship? What game is this? <looks at...
If you thought being a God of a prosperous land was all fun and games, then you are probably thinking...
Altered Matter’s newest puzzle game, ETHERBORN, presents an essence of existentialism unique to its contemporaries—but doesn’t quite hit the mark...
I don’t usually like video games based on television shows, anime, or manga, but Attack On Titan 2: Final Battle...
My fondest memories of the early internet as a child was playing flash games on Miniclip - particularly those tower...