The original Candy Crush Saga debuted all the way back in April 2012, captivating the gaming industry with its easily accessible interface...
Shift Happens is a puzzle/platformer by developer Klonk Games and publisher Daedalic. It centers around guiding two humanoid slime/blob creatures...
Explore and adapt to a forgotten alien planet as you figure out the past through an unknown alphabet. This sci-fi...
The unknown dangers and promises of ancient alien technology. The struggle of living life as a scavenger, trying to brave...
The Amnesia Collection puts together Frictional Games' modern classic Amnesia: The Dark Descent and its mini expansion Justine with The...
Trouserheart is a short little game centered around a king who has his trousers stolen. The premise is that basic,...
Playing Life is Strange 2 is a delightfully strange adventure that I highly recommend all gamers to pursue, no matter...
Layers of Fear by developer Bloober Team and publisher Aspyr Media is a horror game. In it, you explore the mind...