LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds by Semisoft Studios is a newly released JRPG, offering a fresh experience in a...
Transported to a time between the Great Wars, we find young Albert. His sister, Anna has been abducted by unknown...
The dark cobblestoned allies of a fictional London is a perfect place for a Master Thief to reign. Antihero is...
Do you play A LOT of games on your phone? If you do, this controller might just be the thing...
The Nintendo Switch has now officially been confirmed as the fastest-selling console in US history, reassuring evidence that the Japanese...
ARK: Survival Evolved is a testament to the open-world survivor genre, making way for a new experience for you, your...
So, there are a lot of different sports game, and everyone must have heard about the Tony Hawks skateboard games....
While 2017 has been a contentious year for American politics and social turmoil, it has been an undeniably great...