The latest from developer Forgotten Key, AER: Memories of Old has found publication through Deadalic Entertainment. An installment dead set...
Overgrowth, by developer Wolfire Games, is a 3D action game where you play as a ninja-like rabbit who can stealthily...
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War by Warner Bros. Games and Monolith is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Shadow of Mordor. The...
For the most part, Tycoon games do not interest me. Management sim mechanics are a good compliment to games...
Developer Lost in the Garden’s new game Lightfield introduces a potentially great twist to the racing genre but ultimately fails...
In a video games market that is saturated with self-serious Call of Duty action shooters, people nowadays are yearning for...
Iron Wings is a WWII flight simulator by the NAPS Team. In the campaign mode, you assume the role of...
NOTE: This Review Contains Spoilers The Dark Knight is back with the new plot twists and characters in Batman: The...