Jumping into Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap by DotEmu will feel familiar. It doesn’t take long to know that the bones...
The Escapists 2 is the sequel to 2015’s The Escapists, a top-down prison simulation developed by Mouldy Toof and Team17,...
Hyper Universe is a 2-D MOBA by CWAVESOFT and Nexon America. I do not usually play MOBAs—mainly because I’m bad...
This game has given me a full appreciation for chefs, short order cooks, and everyone else in the restaurant business....
Life is Strange became a huge hit in 2015 and now Deck Nine has brought this beloved story back with...
LEGO Worlds is the latest LEGO sandbox game developed by British studio Traveller's Tales, and this time, has made its...
Time Recoil by 10tons Ltd, is a fast paced, action-adventure, 3rd person shooter that will capture your attention for hours....
One of the most important things that any game developer can do is generate hype over their products. Depending on...