Divinity: Original Sin 2 by developer Larian Studios is a role-playing adventure game where you are a Sorcerer, those of which...
INK is a 2-D platformer by developer Zack Bell Games and publisher Digerati. The goal of each level is to...
Morphite by developer Crescent Moon Games is a first-person, action-adventure, RPG with an emphasis on exploration and discovery. You can visit...
Dronetopolis AR for the iPhone is the latest drone simulator developed by Circle Square Entertainment that tries to present realistic,...
Sigono Inc., recently known as Team Signal, released a plot driven third-person adventure game for mobile called Opus: Rocket of...
Originally released in early 2016, The Solus Project now hits PS4 in its full-length form. The spiritual successor to developer,...
“Not all missions go as planned.” This is the phrase that lights up your screen before you crash land on...
Everyone might have played turn-based strategy games like XCOM or Disgaea 5. Visuals are different bu,t yes the concept is...