Stepping into the fantastical realm of "Thirsty Suitors," I was quickly captivated by the creation from the developers over at...
I have seen several unique metroidvania games during my time at Gaming Cypher, but none had me this initially perplexed...
It’s time to return to Jumanji! The newest installation in the series offers more adventure, gameplay variety, and multiplayer action....
Growing up as a kid I grew very fond of films from the 80’s. One of which, I may have...
The Invincible is a first person space adventure with storytelling at its core. The introduction employs a comic style for...
As an enthusiast of exploration adventure games, diving into the enigmatic haze of "Kona II: Brume," by Parabole, was a...
I’m a huge fan of the developers and now even publishers over at Don’t Nod Entertainment. They made a huge...
The “games as a service” term has certainly grown to garner a negative connotation within the gaming industry, at least...