Gaming Cypher has had the pleasure of previewing the new Alienware Steam Machine. Below are our first thoughts and impressions....
This is Gaming Cypher's iPAD review for Starside Arena by Epic Owl Ltd., a Finnish game studio formed by a team...
This is Gaming Cypher's PC review for Coast Guard by Bavarian developer team, Reality Twist. In Coast Guard, you will play as...
This is Gaming Cypher's iPAD review for Kung-Fu Sheep by Slovenian game developers ActaLogic and MediaAtlas. In Kung-Fu Sheep, you...
This is Gaming Cypher's PC review of Minecraft: Story Mode – A Telltale Games Series Episode 1 by leading and award-winning developer...
This is Gaming Cypher's PC review for Animal Gods by independent videogame developer, Still Games. In top-down, 2DS action title, Animal Gods,...
This is Gaming Cypher's review of Titan Comics' first Assassin's Creed Comic by writers Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery (Kill Shakespeare) with...
This is Gaming Cypher's review of the PC version of Skyhill by Mandragora and Daedalic Entertainment. Skyhill is a wonderfully-crafted mixture of...