This is a preview for the PC version of retro-style platformer, BiT Evolution by Major Games. BiT Evolution is a 2D action/adventure game with...
This is a review for the PC version of Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas by Finnish developer Cornfox & Brothers. Oceanhorn: Monster of...
This is a preview for the PC version of Legends of Eisenwald by developer Aterdux Entertainment. Legends of Eisenwald is an old school...
This is a review for the iPAD version of SongArc by developer SongArc Kft. SongArc features revolutionary gameplay with expressive gestures for phones...
This is the review for the PC version of A Druid's Duel by Surprise Attack Games and Thoughtshelter Games, LLC. At its heart...
Numerous reviews have surfaced for FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD by Square Enix. IGN 8/10 Game Informer 6/10 Nova Crystallis 8/10 Kotaku YES...
This is the PC version early access preview for Clandestine by developer Logic Artists. Clandestine is a two-player co-op stealth/hacking game set...
This is the review for the PC version of the explosive puzzle action title, Trash TV, by UK-based indie developer Lawrie’s Games Ltd., together...