The first of two ViDocs detailing the creation of the upcoming expansion Destiny 2: The Final Shape was made available...
The anime-inspired single-player 3D platformer RKGK, developed by Wabisabi Games in Mexico, is now playable on PC via Steam, according...
"Long live the king, for the king is dead!" The Regicide free content update for Chivalry 2 has been released...
It is with great pleasure that Assemble Entertainment and Gentlymad Studios announce that Endzone 2 will be a part of...
The second free update, Boss Attack, for Ubisoft's Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown was released today. Boss Attack, the...
In association with Hasbro, a well-known toy and gaming company, Outright Games, the premier producer of family-friendly interactive entertainment, has...
The action-packed magical role-playing game REYNATIS has a new trailer that NIS America is happy to showcase. A preview of...
Assassin's Creed Shadows, the upcoming game in the Assassin's Creed series, will be available worldwide on November 15th, according to...