Gaming Cypher

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DEAD END JOB Madcap Twin-Stick Shooter Heading to Steam and Consoles this December

DEAD END JOB Madcap Twin-Stick Shooter Heading to Steam and Consoles this December

Publisher Headup is thrilled to announce that developer Ant Workshop’s madcap twin-stick shooter, Dead End Job is (ghost)busting its way onto PC (Steam), Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch on Friday, December 13, 2019.

Developed by the former lead level designer on Red Dead Redemption, this insane mash-up of Ren & Stimpy meets Ghostbusters puts you in the ethereal boots of Hector Plasm. As a simple salary-specter, employed with the Number One Experts in Paranormal Pest Control, Ghoul-B-Gone — Hector is tasked with ridding the wacky world of meddlesome spectral interlopers. Tag along with our hero for just another day at the office as he heads all over town to offices overrun by spirits, wraith-infested restaurants, and buildings around the rest of city with his handy ghost bustin’ vacuum pack and trusty ol’ plasma blaster, putting abhorrent apparitions to rest for GOOD!

Check Out the Dead End Job Ghoul B Gone Trailer:

Dead End Job is currently available exclusively on Apple Arcade, and will haunt PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch on December 13, 2019.

Related: DEAD END JOB Couch Co-op, Twin-stick Shooter Heading to Consoles and Steam Q2 2019

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