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DURANGO: Wild Lands Review for iOS

DURANGO: Wild Lands Review for iOS

Intro: The wild beauty of nature, gigantic sized prehistoric dinosaurs, and the knack for the survival; this was the cultivating atmosphere I experienced while playing Durango: Wild Lands by Nexon and What! Studio on iOS. In the past, I’ve come across many games where I felt they are lacking in elements such as depth or content. However, with Durango, this isn’t the case; actually, it’s the opposite.

Gameplay: This is a survival RPG that takes places in a dinosaur run down dystopia. In this game the user has the option to create a character they believe would be best fit for survival. The customization modes and precise movement controls give you that sense of full range of control over your control. There are also various actions available at the user’s disposal, this includes the usual commands like run, jump, craft, and attacking actions; but developers took this concept farther by including advanced movements like sliding, washing your face, and actions relating to your specific surroundings. The main concept of the game is fulfilled through touch and drag movements back by simulation and lite animations.

The Look: This game has a lot sharper aesthetic than almost any other app I’ve played. There is just a high resolution portrayed throughout that is really satisfying to look at. There is especially a high moment of clarity during any cutscene or any still frames; a very high definition scene.

Verdict: I think Durango: Wild Lands is a fascinating game but can be a bit overwhelming with so much content. The long intro in the beginning makes it hard to commit but it’s all serves its purpose. I’m by no means saying I don’t appreciate the details put into the game, but with this being an app, I prefer a more condensed and action packed experienced. It just seems like this has enough content and controls to be played on a console. However, with that being said Durango: Wild Lands in its own right is still an amazing piece; aspects such as the great graphics and detailed characters adds a lot of flare; especially for just an app.


Pros: High Resolution Graphics, Animations, Soundtrack/Character Voice, Dinosaurs, Online Servers

Cons: Long Intro, Sign In necessary, Battery Drainer, Overwhelming, Redundant at times

Check Out the Durango: Wild Lands Video:

Durango: Wild Lands is available to explore as a free download on the Apple App Store and for Android devices on Google Play.

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