Gaming Cypher

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FEZ is Out Today for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita, Video

Earlier this month, PlayStation announced that developer Polytron’s puzzler FEZ has been dated for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.

FEZ is Out Today for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita, Video


Here is what the developer had to say about FEZ:

“Today is special day,” indeed: Fez is finally available for PS4PS3 and PS Vita. We can’t possibly be any more excited, as we have been working towards this release for a whole year!

Let’s recap a few details:

  • Fez is a video game.
  • You play as fluffy white creature named Gomez who wears the eponymous fez, and needs to traverse the world two dimensions at a time in order to rebuild an ancient artifact.
  • Fez is cross-buy for all three platforms.
  • There is a cross-save slot which shares your progress across PS3, PS4 and PSVita.
  • The regular price is 12.99 USD, but if you are a PlayStation Plus member and purchase it before April 2nd, you get 20% off and pay 9.99 USD instead!

Fez is now out and you can watch the official launch trailer below:

FEZ is out today in North America and arrives in Europe on PS3, PS4 and PS Vita tomorrow, with 20% PS Plus discount.

What did you think? Will you be getting FEZ today?

Source: PlayStation Blog

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