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FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Pre-Orders Begin Today

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Pre-Orders Begin Today

Special Pre-Order Bonuses Available with Collector’s and Standard Edition

LOS ANGELES – FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers is available for pre-order today beginning at 11:00 AM PT ahead of its scheduled release on July 2, 2019. The third major expansion for the award-winning MMO with over 14 million registered players will be available physically and digitally in both a Collector’s and Standard Edition.

Players may pre-order all versions of Shadowbringers at the official pre-order website here: 

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Collector’s Edition

The FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Collector’s Edition includes exclusive in-game bonuses and items for those looking to further enhance their gameplay experience. The Collector’s Edition features the following: 

  • FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers
  • Shadowbringers Special Art Box – A unique silver-inlaid box featuring an illustration by artist Yoshitaka Amano.
  • Expertly Crafted Dark Knight Figure – An impressive high-quality figure of the Warrior of Darkness as a dark knight.
  • Shadowbringers Art Book – An art book featuring a wealth of illustrations and concept art used in the creation of Shadowbringers.
  • Shadowbringers Logo Sticker –  A reusable vinyl cling featuring the design of theShadowbringers logo.
  • FINAL FANTASY XIV Playing Card Deck – A deck of playing cards featuring a range of artwork from A Realm Reborn™ through Shadowbringers.
  • Exclusive In-Game Items
    • Grani Mount
    • Wind-up Fran Minion
    • Revolver Gunbreaker Weapon

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Pre-Orders Begin Today

Players who pre-order either edition of Shadowbringers will be eligible to receive exclusive in-game items, which are planned for distribution beginning March 1, 2019 at 12:01 a.m. (PT):

  • Baby Gremlin Minion
  • Aetheryte Earring – This earring grants a 30% increase in EXP when worn, up to level 70, as well as attributes that vary based on the user’s class/job and current level.

Pre-ordering will also allow users to enjoy early access to Shadowbringers ahead of the official release. Early Access is scheduled to begin on June 28, 20191

The physical FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Collector’s Edition is available for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Steam for $199.99. The collector’s edition is also available as digital download for PlayStation 4, Windows, Steam, and Mac for $59.99. A physical version of the Standard Edition will be available for PlayStation 4 for $39.99 and digital download versions will be available for PlayStation 4, Windows, Steam, and Mac for $39.99.

A new extended teaser trailer released during the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2019 in Paris this past weekend and additional information is available on the official Shadowbringers site:

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Pre-Orders Begin Today
Y’shtola in the Shadowbrings Extended Teaser Trailer

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers is scheduled for release on July 2, 2019 and will take fans on new adventures to battle against threats to the realm as they become the Warrior of Darkness. Players can also look forward to numerous new features in Shadowbringers:

  • New Jobs – Including the gunbreaker–master of gunblade
  • New Playable Race – The Viera–rabbit-like wardens of the wood
  • New Alliance Raid: YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse–from the minds of renowned NeiR creators Yosuke Saito and YOKO TARO
  • Level cap increase from 70 to 80
  • Sprawling New Areas – Expansive new areas, such as the Rak’tika Greatwood, Amh Araeng, and Il Mheg
  • New “Trust” System – Tackle Shadowbringers dungeons solo while fighting alongside prominent characters with the new Trust system
  • New Game+ System – Relive the adventures from your past with your current level and gear via the New Game+ system
  • New Beast Tribes and Primals
  • …and much more.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Pre-Orders Begin Today
Adventure in Dungeons with Familiar NPC Allies in Shadowbringers

The FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Starter Edition for PC—including 30 days of subscription time—is now included with Twitch Prime2 through May 3, 2019. Complete details on this promotion, including instructions on code redemption are available here:

Additional information on Shadowbringers is set to be revealed at the Tokyo stop of the 2018-2019 Fan Festival tour on March 23-24, 2019. All Fan Festival events will be streamed free of charge on the official FINAL FANTASY XIV Twitch channel:

1Early access start date subject to change. Please note that there is a possibility of maintenance taking place during the early access period.
2Unavailable in certain countries. For a complete list of countries in which this promotion is available, please visit here.

Related: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Expansion Launches July 2

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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