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Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean Preview for Steam Early Access

The game Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean is a game that is planned to fully release in 2023 this year. This game is a real-time tactics stealth game developed by Mercat Games and published by FreeMind S.A. where you take command of a pirate crew filled with sea rogues in an attempt to beat the British Royal Navy to the Caribbean’s most valuable treasure. I do not have much experience with real-time tactics games. It also does not help very much that I am bad at them. Based on what I know and played of real-time tactics games, I believe this game is headed toward the right direction, leaving me with a good first impression.

Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean Preview for Steam Early Access


The gameplay for Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean is big on stealth. The controls of the game are simple. To move, players use the mouse and click on where they want to move to. There are also different buttons used for different actions. The main actions I found myself using the most were killing to get rid of enemies, stunning to knock enemies out, distracting to get enemies away from their spot, and crouching to stay hidden from enemies. Players can also move the camera with the mouse and left alt key to take a better look at their surroundings. The game will start the player off as a pirate on a British Royal enemy ship as a tutorial for how to play the game. There, the player will learn how to be stealthy, using shadows and terrain to move around and take care of the enemy. I really like the inclusion of shadows to the game because it gives the player a special kind of hiding spot from the enemies. As the player makes their way through the level, they will end up having to play as two characters at a time. As both characters, the player has to complete their objective, all without getting caught and dying to the enemy. That being said, if the player does get caught, they can still try and find a way to hide to get their enemies off of their tail. This is something I enjoy because the game gives the player a chance to escape rather than just having to restart the level entirely. Overall, I think the stealth for this game is made very well.

Final thoughts

Overall, I believe the game Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean is off to a good start and headed toward the right direction in development. I think the gameplay is very well made. The developers also did really well with how you would do stealth. As I said before, I do not have much experience with real-time tactics games, and I am not good with them. From the experience I do have, however, I would say that this game can give players a different kind of experience. If you enjoy real-time tactics games as well as stealth games, I believe you should give this game a shot when it comes. Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean can be played on Steam, Playstation, Xbox, and Switch when it comes out in 2023 later this year.

Check out the Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean Trailer:

You can add Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean to your wishlist via Steam Early Access.

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